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Hochwertige ESG-Daten unterstützen das Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm von Shorenstein

Overall GRESB Score
+ 0
points higher than peer average
0 %
Reduzierung in
0 %
Reduction in GHG emissions at the end of 2017 over 2008 levels

Wertvolle Zeit sparen, um ehrgeizige Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen

Shorenstein, ein privates Immobilienunternehmen, das hochwertige Büro-, Wohn- und gemischt genutzte Immobilien in den USA besitzt und betreibt, engagiert sich seit langem für nachhaltige Praktiken. Nach der Festlegung klarer Ausgangswerte entschied Shorenstein, dass ein datengesteuerter, technologiegestützter Ansatz sein Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm verbessern und klare Kennzahlen für die Kapitalrendite liefern würde.


With a longstanding commitment to protecting the environment, Shorenstein has sustainability data dating back to 2008. Before adopting Measurabl in 2015 as a tool to collect and centralize environmental performance data, this information was kept in massive spreadsheets that were difficult to manage and update. As the company’s Green Committee, co-founded by Bill Whitfield, began to blossom into an initiative with dedicated people and resources, Shorenstein needed a way to streamline its data and develop a holistic approach to sustainability.

Beyond taking a “check the box” approach — reporting to GRESB and maintaining certifications like ENERGY STAR — Shorenstein wanted to engage with investors, tenants, and other stakeholders and continue to implement programs to protect the environment. It also needed to maintain continuity as the team evolved and new employees joined the effort.

Our sustainability program would not be functional or successful without Measurabl. If it weren’t for Measurabl, I would have to hire another employee just to handle all the data.

Bill Whitfield General Manager and Sustainability Program Manager

Die Lösung

For Shorenstein, reporting to GRESB was a must-do; investors have come to expect a score when they ask for it. Shorenstein didn’t have the bandwidth to continuously gather accurate ESG data and crunch all of the numbers manually. Measurabl offered a platform for centralizing and collecting that data automatically while improving data coverage and accuracy. Shorenstein simply would not have the ability to report to GRESB annually without Measurabl’s GRESB reporting tool, which eases the company’s burden substantially. With so much time saved, Shorenstein’s sustainability team can focus on attaining larger, more conceptual goals to reduce carbon emissions throughout its portfolio.

By 2025, the company aims to reduce both energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% compared to its 2008 baseline. Shorenstein is beginning to use Measurabl’s targetsetting tool to compare current numbers with its vast historical data, and to ensure the company is on track to meet its goals. No matter who on the team needed to dive in and get involved with the data, Measurabl’s team was there to answer questions, troubleshoot, and help them learn to use the platform to meet their unique needs.

Commercial Real Estate
Produkte verwendet
NavigierenESGx Benchmarks
NachhaltigkeitImproved ESG Rating
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Mit Measurabl’s help, Shorenstein was able to hit its 2020 carbon reduction goals two years ahead of schedule.

The company is aiming even higher for 2025, and is well on its way of reducing both energy use and GhG emissions, as well as achieving a 6% decrease in water consumption and a 20% increase in waste diversion over 2008 levels. Pulling data from Measurabl, Shorenstein revamped its annual sustainability report to increase transparency around the company’s commitment to improving “ its practices and policies, making the information more useful and accessible to stakeholders. With all the time saved by having Measurabl handle its data, Shorenstein is planning to implement several new projects, including an improved water-tracking system. It also plans to increase tenant outreach—educating property managers on sustainability projects and efforts and encouraging them to find ways to do better so they can break through any performance plateaus.
0 %
Overall GRESB Score
0 %
increase in waste diversion over 2008 levels

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